Applying the Skip Navigation Links in the Context of the Websites’ Accessibility of Central Public Administration Bodies in the Trnava Region

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Vydanie vedeckého časopisu číslo 2015-01
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  • Typ dokumentu: časopis
  • Typ príspevku: štúdia
  • Jazyk príspevku: angličtina
  • Publikované: 31. 3. 2015
  • Formát súboru: PDF
  • Veľkosť súboru: 1205 kB

Jana Koprlová

In: Societas et iurisprudentia • 2015 • ročník 3 • číslo 1 • strany 256-273 • ISSN 1339-5467

Abstract: The study focuses in its main aim on seeking yet undetected or undefined deficits in relation to applying the skip navigation mechanism on the websites of the central public administration bodies in the Trnava Region in the context of improving the websites accessibility and it consists of two separate parts. The first part presents a basic introduction to the questions of skip navigation links, with the key attention paid to the following three main areas: applying of skip navigation links, visual hiding of skip navigation links, and web browsers’ bug related to skip navigation links. The second part of the study concentrates on the basis of analysis of applying the skip navigation links on the websites of the central public administration bodies in the Trnava Region on the processes focused on detection of potential deficits and gaps in the websites’ accessibility or related possible non-compliance with the legislation in force.

Key Words: Websites; Websites’ Accessibility; Skip Navigation Links; Public Administration; Central Public Administration Bodies; Compliance with Legislation in Force; the Trnava Region; Analysis.


Bibliografická citácia

KOPRLOVÁ, J. Applying the Skip Navigation Links in the Context of the Websites’ Accessibility of Central Public Administration Bodies in the Trnava Region. Societas et iurisprudentia [online]. 2015, roč. 3, č. 1, s. 256-273 [cit. 2020-01-01]. ISSN 1339-5467. Dostupné na: