Offence of Failure to Report a Work-related Accident in Poland

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Vydanie vedeckého časopisu číslo 2019-01
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  • Typ dokumentu: časopis
  • Typ príspevku: štúdia
  • Jazyk príspevku: angličtina
  • Publikované: 31. 3. 2019
  • Formát súboru: PDF
  • Veľkosť súboru: 634 kB

Katarzyna Banasik

In: Societas et iurisprudentia • 2019 • ročník 7 • číslo 1 • strany 78-91 • ISSN 1339-5467

Abstract: This paper focuses on the criminal offence of failure to report a work-related accident. The offence in question has been defined under the Article 221 of the Polish Criminal Code. The author starts by considering what kind of interest is protected against the offence in question and continues with a detailed analysis of the offender and the objective element of the offence. The author also explains the mental element of this crime and analyses the relevant provisions of the Polish Criminal Code, Labour Code and other legal acts concerning labour law and social insurance law.

Key Words: Criminal Law; Labour Law; Social Insurance Law; Work-related Accident; Fatal Work-related Accident; Duty to Report Work-related Accident; Criminal Code; Labour Code; Poland.


Bibliografická citácia

BANASIK, K. Offence of Failure to Report a Work-related Accident in Poland. Societas et iurisprudentia [online]. 2019, roč. 7, č. 1, s. 78-91 [cit. 2020-01-01]. ISSN 1339-5467. Dostupné na: