Issue 2017-03

Issue 2017-03

Issue of Scientific Journal No. 2017-03
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The third issue of the fifth volume of the journal SOCIETAS ET IURISPRUDENTIA offers a total of six separate scientific studies, two scientific essays as well as one information in four different languages – in the English, Russian, Czech, and Slovak languages. Within the section “Studies” the first study offers readers a very complex and detailed view of the questions relating to the structuredness as the property of legal construction of financial and legal institutes applied within the current Ukrainian legal order, with a special emphasis laid on the area of the tax law. The following study thoroughly analyses, streamlines, and exemplarily explains the issues of the job-offering obligation of employer and the legal certainty in the labour law of the Slovak Republic. The third study concentrates on a very detailed systematic clarification as well as in-depth analysis of the questions of using the “ne bis in idem” principle, double jeopardy guarantee and their application in the fields of punishment and sanctioning. The next study offers readers systematic and thorough qualifying and clarifying of the key questions of the so-called inter-administrative tie of administrative acts in the European Union law. The fifth study presents, streamlines, analyses in detail, and clarifies the issues of the current state of the employment protection according to the European Union law and the international labour law. The final, sixth study very precisely analyses and deeply compares differences relating to the websites’ accessibility of the central public administration bodies in the Bratislava region from the view of applying the skip navigation mechanism between the years 2014 and 2017. The following section “Essays” offers two economically oriented scientific papers presenting and at the same time deeply analysing the issue of valuation of certificates of deposit on the one side and the questions of evaluation of successfulness of mergers and acquisitions in the Slovak Republic’s economic environment on the other side. The final section “Information” brings summarising report on scientific project entitled Cultural and Natural Heritage – Legal Instruments of Its Preservation in the Slovak Republic.

Full version of Issue SOCIETAS ET IURISPRUDENTIA 2017-03
pp. 1-196 • PDF • 3841 kB


