Code of Ethics

Article I. General Provisions

International scientific online journal SOCIETAS ET IURISPRUDENTIA (hereinafter only “journal”) is published by the Faculty of Law at Trnava University in Trnava, and it thematically focuses mainly on social relevant interdisciplinary relations on the issues of public law and private law at the national, transnational and international levels. Its aim is to provide a stimulating and inspirational platform for scientific and society-wide beneficial solutions to current legal issues and their communication at the level of primarily legal experts, but also the interested general public in the context of their broadest interdisciplinary social relations, in like manner at the national, regional and international levels.

The journal’s editorial office resides in premises of the Faculty of Law at Trnava University in Trnava in Kollárova Street No. 10 in Trnava, Slovakia.

The journal has the nature of a scientific peer-reviewed journal, which is issued in an electronic on-line version regularly four times a year on the official website of the journal Publication of the contribution texts will be provided exclusively in the bilingual Slovak-English standardized letterhead template of the journal, synchronously in the form of complete versions of individual journal numbers as well as in the form of single authors’ contributions. Publication process follows in corresponding sections on the journal’s official website.

The journal provides a stimulating and inspirational platform for communication both on the professional legal level and the level of the civic society, as well as for scientific and society-wide beneficial solutions to current issues mainly in the areas of public law and private law.

The website of the journal offers the reading public contributions in the common graphical user interface as well as in the blind-friendly interface, both parallel in the Slovak and the English languages. In all those languages the journal’s editorial office provides also feedback communication.

Article II. Responsibility and Publication of Contributions

The journal accepts and publishes exclusively only original, hitherto unpublished contributions written as the own work by authors those are submitting the contributions for publication in the journal. Contributors are scientifically or pedagogically engaged in areas corresponding with the main orientation of the journal and they have completed adequate academic qualification, at least the second degree of academic education.

In accordance with the foregoing provision shall be automatically with the adequate justification rejected contributions those have been provably already published as well as contributions those constitute the merits of plagiarism or of unauthorized, respectively illegal interference with the copyright under the protection of the Copyright Act in force.

Information for authors published on the journal’s website is binding. Contributions are accepted in the English, Slovak and Czech languages. Favouring the English language in contributions is welcome.

Responsibility for compliance with all prerequisites and requirements laid on contributions published in the journal have special supervisors within the journal’s editorial board responsible for specific interdisciplinary sections in relation to the scientific aspects of contributions, editor in chief in relation to the formal aspects of contributions and executive editor in relation to the application of methodological, analytical and statistical questions in contributions.

Publication of contributions in the journal is realized exclusively without any contributor’s claim for author’s fee (royalty). Also, the processes of receiving, reviewing and publishing of contributions in the journal are carried out exclusively free of charge. Submission of contributions for publication understands the editorial office of the journal as a manifestation of the will of the authors, through which the authors all at once knowingly and voluntarily:

  • express their own agreement with publication of submitted contribution in the journal;
  • declare that the contribution presents their original, hitherto unpublished work;
  • declare their own agreement with specifying their workplace and contact e-mail address in the section “Authors’ Contact List”.

Accepted can be only texts submitted for publication sent by their authors/co-authors directly and with their written permission for publication; text submissions sent mediated through non-authors or non-co-authors of a submitted text delivered to the editorial office of the journal cannot be accepted for the following review procedure due to the absence of the author’s/co-authors’ consent.

Article III. Review Procedure

Reviewing the contributions for publication in the journal follows with a mutually anonymous (double-blind) review procedure realized independently and impartially by recognized external experts working in corresponding areas. The final decision on the inclusion of contributions for publication is made by the journal’s editorial board based on the results of the review procedure.

Only contributions containing all mandatory parts in accordance with the prescribed structure of the contribution may be submitted for review procedure. Before the contributions are submitted for review procedure, the originality of the texts is formally checked by checking randomly selected strings of the texts of the contributions through the Internet search engines.

Report on results of the review procedure is made and archived on standardized forms.

Comprehensive information on results of the review procedure, together with guidance on how to proceed with submitted contributions, will contribution’s submitters receive through an e-mail answer immediately after receiving the reviewers’ written opinions by the journal’s editorial office and final judging the results of the review procedure by the editorial board.

Contributions will be with adequate written justification automatically rejected in cases, if:

  • the contributor hasn’t provably completed the entire university education, i.e. the academic qualification of the second degree;
  • contribution provably doesn’t comply with the minimum standards and standard criteria of scientific ethics, which are imposed and generally respected by the scientific public and scientific community in relation to contributions of the given category (studies, essays, reviews on publications, information or reports), whether in terms of extent, content, methodological assumptions, applied methodology and similarly, or in terms of a proper, complete and scientifically correct indicating all the bibliographic references according to current citation standard ISO 690.

Article IV. Declaration of Accession to Codes and Principles of Publication Ethics of the Committee on Publication Ethics

The journal fully exercises and observes codes and principles of publication ethics of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) published on the website of the Committee on Publication Ethics Listed principles and guidelines of publication ethics are binding for contributors, journal’s editorial board, journal’s editors and editorial office, contribution reviewers as well as journal’s publisher.

The journal rejects and strictly condemns any scientific and publishing unethical and academically dishonest practices, which include, among others, plagiarism, manipulation of citations or falsification, alteration, selective omission and fabrication of data and sources.

The editors and the Editorial Board of the journal actively make every effort to prevent as well as to eliminate the risk of any cases of scientifically and publicationally unethical and academically dishonest behaviour of all participating subjects.

In the event that the editors, the Editorial Board or the publisher of the journal are made aware of any manifestation of scientifically and publicationally unethical and academically dishonest research practices applied in connection with a submitted or already published paper in the journal, the editors or the publisher will follow the Committee on Publication Ethics’s (COPE) guidance in dealing with and correcting the revealed state of affairs, in accordance with the accepted principles and recommendations applicable to the following areas:

Article V. Independence and Impartiality

The journal is an independent and impartial international scientific online journal.

Article VI. Determining Law

The journal and all the related legal facts and legal actions are governed by the law of the Slovak Republic.