Issue 2014-02

Issue 2014-02

Issue of Scientific Journal No. 2014-02
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The second issue of the second volume of the journal SOCIETAS ET IURISPRUDENTIA offers a total of nine separate scientific papers in two languages – in the English and Slovak languages. The first of a total of seven studies presents readers the questions of the inheritance law and especially of the last will from the view of new technologies as offering challenges for the corresponding recodification of the Polish civil law. The following study analyzes key issues integrating in the current labour law, namely mobbing and chicanery of the employee as a form of abuse of right. The third study analyzes and clarifies in detail the fundamental questions of civil liability for nuclear damage in terms of the Slovak Republic. The following study, based on the analysis of specific cases, concentrates on maintaining of remuneration and/or entitlement to an adequate allowance of a pregnant worker. The following scientific paper offers readers clarifying the questions of prohibition of discrimination on grounds of sexual orientation on the examples of selected case law of the European Court of Human Rights. The sixth study, based on realized research, comprehensively presents, analyzes and evaluates the questions of the structure of personality properties and its contribution to long-term employability. In order the final study defines and very precisely analyzes and evaluates the websites’ accessibility of the central state administration bodies in the Slovak Republic from the view of applying the skip navigation mechanism. The following scientific paper in the form of an essay explains in detail, analyzes and judges the contribution of the Bruce G. Trigger’s book “Understanding Early Civilizations” to the General and Comparative History of State and Law, and the final contribution offers the readers information on establishing a new scientific journal for legal science in the Slovak Republic named FORUM IURIS EUROPAEUM.

Full version of Issue SOCIETAS ET IURISPRUDENTIA 2014-02
pp. 1-236 • PDF • 6185 kB


