Issue 2017-02

Issue 2017-02

Issue of Scientific Journal No. 2017-02
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The second issue of the fifth volume of the journal SOCIETAS ET IURISPRUDENTIA offers a total of nine separate scientific studies in three different languages – in the English, Czech, and Slovak languages. Within the section “Studies” the first study offers readers a very complex and detailed view of the questions relating to the rise of the Hungarian anti-Semitism during the interwar period as reason for the first anti-Semitic law adoption in both Hungary and Europe in the 20th Century. The following study thoroughly analyses, streamlines, and exemplarily explains the issues of application of alternative sanctions in the current Spanish criminal law. The third study accurately analyses and simultaneously chronologically and in detail clarifies the fundamental issues relating to the key moments of development, present shape, and institutional support of international legal regime of outer space and celestial bodies. The following study concentrates on a very detailed systematic clarification as well as in-depth analysis of the questions concerning the extent of risk as criterion of strictness of tort liability, with a special emphasis laid on the legal order of the Slovak Republic. The fifth study offers readers systematic and thorough qualifying and clarifying of the key questions of influence of postmodernism on development of the discourse teaching, especially in the field of legal education. The following study presents, streamlines, analyses in detail, and clarifies the issues of the current government policy of fighting corruption and its impact on subjects operating in public administration in the Czech Republic. The seventh study presents and explains in depth the questions of importance of application of educational methods in further professional education, with focus laid on support of economic literacy of employees in the Slovak health sector. The penultimate study is devoted to the analysis of the key economic context of the development of unemployment and investment rates. The final, ninth study very precisely analyses and deeply compares differences relating to the websites’ accessibility of the all self-governing regions in the Slovak Republic from the view of applying the skip navigation mechanism between the years 2014 and 2017.

Full version of Issue SOCIETAS ET IURISPRUDENTIA 2017-02
pp. 1-212 • PDF • 4672 kB
