Issue 2018-03

Issue 2018-03

Issue of Scientific Journal No. 2018-03
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The third issue of the sixth volume of the journal SOCIETAS ET IURISPRUDENTIA offers a total of six separate scientific studies. The very first study offers readers a complex and detailed analytical view of the question whether, in the context of the current situation and in the case of the right to asylum, it is possible to assume rather the collective enforcement of individual right or it can be regarded as a collective right. The following study thoroughly analyses, streamlines and exemplarily explains the issues of position of the rules of the European Union law in the framework of the constitutional law and other legal regulation of the Slovak Republic. The third study concentrates on a very detailed systematic clarification as well as in-depth analysis of the questions of the Information Bidding System for Old-age Pension Savings within the Slovak social security law. The next study offers readers systematic and thorough qualifying and clarifying of the selected key legal questions related to the institute of representation in consumer disputes according to the Slovak legal order. The fifth study presents, streamlines, analyses in detail and clarifies the issues of the international legal aspects and changes in perception of the institute of the State sovereignty in interaction with the possibility of disturbing it. The final study very precisely analyses and fully explains the efforts made and the fundamental achievements reached by the international community on the path to a global agreement on climate protection.

Full version of Issue SOCIETAS ET IURISPRUDENTIA 2018-03
pp. 1-158 • PDF • 2128 kB
