Issue 2023-04

Issue 2023-04

Issue of Scientific Journal No. 2023-04
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The fourth issue of the eleventh volume of the journal SOCIETAS ET IURISPRUDENTIA offers a total of five separate scientific studies as well as one review of a creditable academic publication. Within the section “Studies”, the very first study brings readers a very complex and detailed view of the determining legal provisions and practical issues related to the current regulation of franchising in the European jurisdictions, together with the disclosure of real obstacles and problems connected with the processes of its adoption on the example of Poland. The following study thoroughly analyses, streamlines and exemplarily explains the issues related to the new juridical institutes for the protection of persons with psychosocial disabilities introduced in the Romanian legal order by the Law No. 140/2022. The third study concentrates on a very detailed systematic clarification as well as in-depth analysis of fundamental legislative changes to the Ukrainian Criminal Code and the Ukrainian Criminal Procedure Code directly related to the introduction of martial law in Ukraine. The next study offers readers systematic and thorough qualifying and clarifying of the key questions of negotiating contractual penalties in the employment relationships from the point of view of the current legislation in force in the Czech Republic and the Slovak Republic. The final, fifth study presents, streamlines, analyses in detail and clarifies the issues of the inheritance law in Europe and its metamorphoses in territory and time, with an emphasis laid on the corresponding development trends and social contexts. The section “Reviews”, placed at the end of the current issue, offers an interesting review of a notable Romanian academic publication focused on the area of criminology, which, given the language of the publication, will serve equally well not only the Romanian, but also the Moldovan general legal professional and lay public.

Full version of Issue SOCIETAS ET IURISPRUDENTIA 2023-04
pp. 1-151 • PDF • 2119 kB

