Issue 2019-02

Issue 2019-02

Issue of Scientific Journal No. 2019-02
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The second issue of the seventh volume of the journal SOCIETAS ET IURISPRUDENTIA offers a total of six separate scientific studies written in three different languages – in the English, Russian and Czech languages. The very first study offers readers a very complex and detailed view of the issue of current legal regulation of the institutes of bankruptcy and restructuring in the legal order of the Republic of Poland. The following study concentrates on a very detailed systematic clarification as well as in-depth analysis and interpretation of the theory of inter-sectoral contracts while applying environmental contracts as specific example. The third study thoroughly analyses, streamlines and exemplarily explains the legal issues relating to the offences of failure to prepare or to present documentation on a work-related accident in the light of the Polish Criminal Code. The next study offers readers systematic and thorough qualifying and clarifying of the key questions of certain aspects relating to the selection of job applicants pursuant to the current wording of the Section 30 of the Labour Code of the Czech Republic. The fifth study presents, streamlines, analyses in detail and clarifies the issues of regulation of the regulatory framework of forced restructuring of banks in the Polish legal system. The final, sixth study deals with a precise analysis and deep clarification of the institutes of the arbitrability and arbitrators’ powers in the Czech Republic.

Full version of Issue SOCIETAS ET IURISPRUDENTIA 2019-02
pp. 1-155 • PDF • 2133 kB
