Issue 2023-02

Issue 2023-02

Issue of Scientific Journal No. 2023-02
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The second issue of the eleventh volume of the journal SOCIETAS ET IURISPRUDENTIA offers a total of four separate scientific studies written in three different languages – in the English, Czech and Slovak languages. The very first study offers readers a very comprehensive and detailed comparative view of the key and extremely topical issues of legal regulation of unfair contract terms in consumer contracts within the framework of the legislation in force in various countries of the Central and Eastern Europe. The following study thoroughly analyses, clarifies and exemplarily explains the issue of the Slovak labour-law perspective on the issue of an employee’s absence from the workplace due to the medical or diagnostic examination of his or her child. The third study concentrates on a very detailed systematic clarification as well as in-depth analysis and comprehensive synthesis of the benefits and impacts of the adoption of the October Diploma in 1860 and the Provisional Judicial Rules of the Judex-curial Conference in 1861 on the further constitutional and legal development of Hungary in the 19th Century. The final study presents systematic and thorough qualifying and clarifying of the key questions related to labour-law regulation of the issue of occupational accidents and occupational diseases as obstacles to work on the part of the employee from the point of view of the Czech legal system.

Full version of Issue SOCIETAS ET IURISPRUDENTIA 2023-02
pp. 1-108 • PDF • 1738 kB
