The Border between Employment Fiction and Discrimination: Reflection on the Employment of Pregnant Women from the Polish Perspective

Małgorzata Grześków

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Vydanie vedeckého časopisu číslo 2022-03
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  • Typ dokumentu: časopis
  • Typ príspevku: štúdia
  • Jazyk príspevku: angličtina
  • Publikované: 30. 9. 2022
  • Formát súboru: PDF
  • Veľkosť súboru: 788 kB

In: Societas et iurisprudentia • 2022 • ročník 10 • číslo 3 • strany 34-58 • ISSN 1339-5467

Abstract: The paper discusses the issue of the fine line between fictitious employment and discrimination. The presented study is a reflection from the Polish perspective. The purpose of this paper is to present the Polish regulation and authorities’ practices concerning the entitlement of women who began employment during pregnancy to social security benefits. The manuscript emphasizes that pregnancy does not create any presumption of fictitious employment, and the refusal to grant social security benefits to such women often leads to discrimination.

Key Words: Labour Law; Discrimination; Employment Fiction; Employment of Pregnant Women; Social Security; Poland.




Autorské právaCopyright © 2022 Małgorzata Grześków

Licencia Creative CommonsToto dielo je licencované pod Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.

Bibliografická citácia

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