Polish-German Dispute over WWII Reparations

Rafał Adamus

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  • Typ dokumentu: časopis
  • Typ príspevku: štúdia
  • Jazyk príspevku: angličtina
  • Publikované: 31. 3. 2023
  • Formát súboru: PDF
  • Veľkosť súboru: 667 kB

In: Societas et iurisprudentia • 2023 • ročník 11 • číslo 1 • strany 21-37 • ISSN 1339-5467

Abstract: This study concerns the dispute between Poland and Germany regarding war reparations for losses caused in Poland in the years 1939 – 1945. The author pointed to the relevant acts of international law. This applies to the so-called Potsdam Agreement, the declaration of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (hereinafter referred to as the “USSR”) on the resignation of claims against Germany, the declaration of the government of the People’s Republic of Poland on the resignation of claims, the German unification treaty. As well as in the study, the substantive position that may be presented by Poland was indicated. After the end of the World War II, there was no peace agreement between the defeated Germans and members of the anti-German coalition. This was due to emerging political differences between the victorious states. What is significant in the case is the fact that the Polish war losses were not covered in full. There are reasons to believe that Poland’s renunciation of claims in year 1953 (with effect from January 1, 1954) was invalid.

Key Words: International Law; Public International Law; War; World War II; Reparations; Compensation; the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics; Germany; Poland.

ORCID: ORCID iDhttps://orcid.org/0000-0003-4968-459X

DOI: https://doi.org/10.31262/1339-5467/2023/11/1/21-37

URL: https://sei.iuridica.truni.sk/archive/2023/01/SEI-2023-01-Studies-Adamus-Rafal.pdf

Autorské právaCopyright © 2023 Rafał Adamus

Licencia Creative CommonsToto dielo je licencované pod Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.

Bibliografická citácia

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