Úplný text príspevku
- Typ dokumentu: časopis
- Typ príspevku: štúdia
- Jazyk príspevku: angličtina
- Publikované: 30. 6. 2019
- Formát súboru: PDF
- Veľkosť súboru: 652 kB
Jakub Morávek
In: Societas et iurisprudentia • 2019 • ročník 7 • číslo 2 • strany 78-91 • ISSN 1339-5467
Abstract: The paper focuses primarily on concerning certain aspects of the selection of job applicants pursuant to the Section 30 of the Labour Code of the Czech Republic in the context of the General Data Protection Regulation. The author first discusses the selection and qualification criteria and subsequently deals also with the prohibition of discrimination and culpa in contrahendo in selecting of job applicants.
Key Words: Labour Law; Labour Code; Personal Data Protection; Selection of Job Applicants; the Czech Republic.
URL: https://sei.iuridica.truni.sk/archive/2019/02/SEI-2019-02-Studies-Moravek-Jakub.pdf
Bibliografická citácia
MORÁVEK, J. Concerning Certain Aspects of the Selection of Job Applicants Pursuant to Section 30 of the Labour Code. Societas et iurisprudentia [online]. 2019, roč. 7, č. 2, s. 78-91 [cit. 2020-01-01]. ISSN 1339-5467. Dostupné na: https://sei.iuridica.truni.sk/medzinarodny-vedecky-casopis/archiv/cislo-2019-02/concerning-certain-aspects-of-the-selection-of-job-applicants-pursuant-to-section-30-of-the-labour-code/.