Personnel Risks and Their Prevention

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Vydanie vedeckého časopisu číslo 2017-04
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  • Typ dokumentu: časopis
  • Typ príspevku: esej
  • Jazyk príspevku: angličtina
  • Publikované: 31. 12. 2017
  • Formát súboru: PDF
  • Veľkosť súboru: 573 kB

Jan Urban

In: Societas et iurisprudentia • 2017 • ročník 5 • číslo 4 • strany 207-214 • ISSN 1339-5467

Abstract: Personnel risks are among the risks that enterprises have to face. Identifying, analysing, and preventing them is a crucial part of enterprise risk management. Compared to other types of enterprise risks, personnel risks are usually not a top priority and the tools of their analysis and methods leading to their minimization do not have a systematic character although the consequences of personnel risks are often severe. Personnel risks are also often the cause of issues attributed to other factors. Personnel risks can be usually prevented in connection with relatively low costs. The goal of the paper is to highlight the main types, sources, and concrete causes of personnel risks and to examine the possibilities and tools of their prevention.

Key Words: Personnel Risks; Risk Management; Personnel Risks Prevention; Enterprises; Employees.


Bibliografická citácia

URBAN, J. Personnel Risks and Their Prevention. Societas et iurisprudentia [online]. 2017, roč. 5, č. 4, s. 207-214 [cit. 2020-01-01]. ISSN 1339-5467. Dostupné na: